Monday, September 24, 2012

Back, and better then ever!

Hi friends! So I realize it's been way to long since my last post, but I had to take a little bloggy break so that I could get all my health issue under control.

I'm sure if you've followed my blog in the past you would recall that I was having some health struggles, and after all sorts of tests and specialists appointments I finally have some answers as to what has been going on with my body! In my post here I wrote about some of the daily struggles I was having, life had gotten quite difficult, so I am very happy to report that I am doing much better now! As it turns out I have a neurological disorder that was causing seizures. I was having multiple seizures a day, (a lot of which were nocturnal) and I had NO idea! My "muscle spasms" weren't just regular muscle spasms, they were seizures... Thankfully after seeing a neurologist and having the right tests done they were able to correctly diagnose me and I was able to start on some medication.

Now I'm like a whole new women! I'm slowly getting my body, and my life back! It's been quite the journey! To any of you suffering with an unknown illness, and you feel like getting an answer is hopeless I just want to offer encouragement. I saw many doctors who had no idea what was wrong with me, and more or less gave up telling me to change my diet and exercise. Because of the way my symptoms were presenting, seeing a neurologist wasn't the first idea so there were many other specialists and emergency room visits before I had any answers. I can truly tell you that my relationship with God, and the support of my husband is what got me through such a difficult time. If you are suffering, remember to pray, pray, pray! Your relationship with God is SO valuable, He can truly get you through the darkest of times, like He did for me! I honestly don't know how I could have gotten through my days without my Saviour!

By His grace alone,
